Reunion tour- Don’t ride in October

I-40 W> I-15 S> CA18 W> CA138 W> 14S> 126 W>101N. That’s what it was supposed to be at 525 miles. BUT IT WAS THIS INSTEAD. I-40 W> I-15 S> I-15N> I-15 S > then I lost track> 215 W> 134W> 170> 101 at 587 miles

Total miles= 2,044

Ever so sadly I had to say goodbye to my friend the SPOT GPS. Poor old fashioned GPS you were a steady friend— if not fussy. It died right as I was leaving Monticello UT. It sent one text and that was the end of it. I guess a shelf life of 10+ years isn’t too bad. Personally, I think the rain, sun, and cold did it in over all that time.

I left AZ early because I wanted to get home early. The first hour was cold but bearable. After about 1.5 hours I started fidgeting with my cramp buster. That is this amazing piece of plastic that you can rest your palm on so your wrist and arm doesn’t cramp but it twists the throttle. Of course the fidgeting caused it to ever so slowly fall from the grip and directly onto the I-40. I considered stopping and trying to find it but thought it would be futile and perhaps a tad dangerous. I wish now that I had risked it. My hand and forearm are achy. I purchased another one immediately once I unpacked.

After 2 hours the ride was much nicer but very boring. I did not plan this trip well at all! Once I arrived in California the wind was like a series of kangaroo kicks. Relentless.

Now on to how I got lost following the GPS. When I left in the morning I plugged in to my Tom Tom to take me to Santa Clarita so as I’m lazily driving along on the I-15 I first see the sign for the 18 to Palmdale. I think to myself as I fly by “Isn’t that my turn?” But I’m directionally illiterate and I trust the GPS and continue on the 15 until I see a sign that also makes me think I should be exiting. But at this point I am lane splitting and just trying to get through the snarl of traffic. Once I pop out and the lanes are clear I pull off and sure enough I have definitely missed my exits. Now this is where it gets really embarrassing. So I go into my Tom Tom history and click on my pre-entered home (surrounded by all the other pre-entered rides I had added). But I push the directions just above which leads me to Rick and Laura’s old home. Yup. And did I notice this? Nope.

Well I obviously did notice it but not quickly enough. Once I realize my stupid error I plug in my address, turn around, and spend a lot of time lane splitting until I arrived safely home. I did not plan this trip well.

I will not be entertaining questions on this topic. Don’t even ask Rickina!

After arriving home, tired, hungry, and a little worse for the wear I unpacked and looked at my souvenirs.

There you have it!

Lessons learned:

Don’t ride in October; remember the directions and don’t miss your exits; don’t fidget with important equipment while in motion; buy a new SPOT already; plan the ride and leave the open expanses to cars; a smooshed penny makes everything worthwhile

One comment on “Reunion tour- Don’t ride in October

  1. That’s why I like maps. Though they’re not infallible, either. At least you got a smooshed penny for your misery. A trailer for those long expanses is probably the way to go. The 40 and 15 are really long and boring. I don’t even like driving them.

    I am glad we passed on this ride as my energy was already sapped by the COVID and the cold and rain would have done me in! 🙂 Next time a tad earlier in the fall or spring though it can always rain, hail or snow at higher elevations in Utah and Colorado.

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