Reunion tour to mere visit tour – Day 3 (this title is way too long)

I-15 N> 20E> 89N> UT62> 24E> I-70 E> 191 S 370 miles

I started out later than usual but as Rickina kept reminding me it was going to be very cold. He loves to talk about weather (it scares him 😉 ) so it is pretty lucky, for him, that he didn’t come today because it poured. But more on that later…

I left at 9am and it WAS cold. However, I had literally put on every sweater I owned. So it wasn’t so bad. I went through numerous towns called: Circleville, Hanksville, blah blah ville. Everything was —-ville. I really wanted to see a sign for Hooterville. But, alas no such town. Now how did they ever get away with naming a show “Hooterville”? How did the censors miss that? These are the things I think about while riding alone. If Rick and Laura had been with me I would have had a big discussion about this very thing.

In time I came by Butch Cassidy’s childhood home (which Laura and Rick and I visited when we went to Yellowstone). I recalled how I rode around the home and it was 3 inches of gravel. I didn’t mean to do it but was impressed I made it. Well now the entire parking area is paved. Of course it is!

As I rode through Capitol Reef National Park it was so beautiful. They were doing construction and it was still amazing (this was before the rain)

Just before the real weather hit I had pulled over and figured I didn’t need so many sweaters (I would later regret that) so I stopped at a rest area (called Hog Springs or was it Hogville Springs?) and decided Bernadette Raquel deserved a picture

Now on to the weather: It was cold. It was rainy. It rained lightly. It poured and then the skies opened…

This was on my left and right

After wondering if it was truly raining and then remembering to watch for slick spots, for the oils, all I could think about is that Rick would have been livid. I would have had to listen to his chastisements, sarcasm, and 1,000 “told you so’s” for 40 minutes. Ugh 😩 Laura would be sneezing.

Eventually the weather cleared and blue skies appeared all the way into Monticello. Tomorrow off to Flagstaff AZ but first to the Hole N’ The Rock to get a smooshed penny. Got to have me a smooshed penny! My gypsies tell me Moab is fantastic.

One comment on “Reunion tour to mere visit tour – Day 3 (this title is way too long)

  1. Looks like a beautiful day up until the skies parted. October above 5000’ is definitely fall.

    It’s true, I’m no fan of riding in inclement weather. Especially at altitudes where rain can turn to hail or snow at any time. That’s no fun.

    Going to have to visit Capitol Reef NP, it looks awesome in your pics. But then most of Utah is so beautiful.

    Stay safe!

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