Reunion Tour to mere visit Tour – Day 1

101>126E>14N>395N>6E. 426 miles

I need to start this post by saying that I have literally only ridden 10 miles since Rick, Laura and I rode to Cambria at the end of May. Additionally, that ride was a total of 455 miles- so I may have bitten off a bit much for today.

Luckily everything worked out well. The weather, the traffic, my nerves, my new Sena, and of course my fabulous motorcycle responded like a champ.

I did have a learning curve with my fancy new technology since my old Sena camera stopped working. But I love this one I can talk to it and tell it to turn things off and on (like the camera which is very convenient) as well as use my phone (I haven’t done that of course so that may just be theoretical). Who wants to talk to on the phone when riding? I just don’t understand.

Riding the 14 is such a ugly slog. I really have to figure out how to trailer to the start of future rides. I seem to always stop at the seedy gas stations. Every time. today was no exception. But I have to say everyone is so nice at those stations. I think they may be angels. Well except for those two guys in Cleveland they were drug dealers 😂 but the angels seem to come and go so quickly. When I was riding across country I met this guy who gave me a lovely presentation box of 7 wooden Buddhas. He said they would keep me safe. I turned to thank him and he was gone. Today a guy kept walking to and from his car. We struck up a conversation about my bike and he gave me a prayer card to keep me safe. As soon as he did that he was gone. Maybe I look unsafe. Does this happen to other people?

I pondered these interactions while I plunged forward into the taupe expanse that is the 14 and 395. Other than some cars and trucks who just had to pass and came into my lane like I was invisible the ride was uneventfully ugly. But Tonopah was within reach and this is what my ride was like in a nutshell


Yes, I’m staying at the Clown Motel. It is FANTASTIC

The lobby

LOL. Right up my alley

Tomorrow off to see and Rick and Laura’s retirement money pit 😁 I am told they DO NOT have an Evel Knieval jump ramp driveway. So excited to see them and their new mansion!

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