Quick ride with Rick and Laura

It has been far too long since we took a ride together so this weekend was chosen and it was a perfect riding day.  We decided to take the 154 to Foxen Canyon into Santa Maria.

Nice little twisty for our efforts

After eating at Pappy’s (Rick’s choice because he is on a strict eating schedule of 9am and 11:30am and one does not want to interfere with that!) we rode to Solvang to visit my favorite mission.

Laura leading the way into Solvang.

Of course once there we were delighted to know there was a parade–but first we took a tour in the museum and gardens.  Whenever I am in Solvang I visit the gardens and go to one of the many grottos they have there.  Little did I know that the one I always seek out was none other than Bernadette Soubirous being visited by the Virgin Mary.


I tossed a coin in with the hope that it would land at her feet and I am pleased to announce it actually did (okay, it took me three tries but it did).

We also went into the chapel which is simply breathtaking…

As the band played on (with an interesting tuba as the main instrument) we attempted to leave.  Blocked by a multitude of horses and party goers we thought it it best not to join the queue of horseback riders so Laura got the nice parade guard to open a gate so we could sneak out.

The rest of the ride home was uneventful (which is always good when motorcycling).  I must say communicators (we use Sena) are great things but for some reason, today, Rick had a million and one questions.  What questions you ask?  “Well, where does that road go?”  “What is that over there?”  “Do you know what that is?”  “Where does that road go?” and of course Rick’s favorite question, “where does that road go?”  Honestly, enough already! Luckily I love him.

Just over 200 miles (and unfortunately 200 questions) with a bunch of  twisty back roads!

Camshaft is in

Now for just 200 other details to be accounted for and Dash will be road worthy once again.

Look at how shiny he looks. All polished and ready for the rocker cover.

Well if course I have to put in the pucks. Those tiny little rubber things smaller than a quarter which gave me no end of misery for 6000 miles. And it was only 2 of them that leaked. The other s dry as a bone on the Kansas prairie.

I can’t wait to give him a spin and to introduce him to Raquel