Morro Bay with Cal Coast Riders

A little over 300 miles and it was like all other CCR rides…Medium paced riding club my ass!  Well this time Dash wanted a chance to enjoy the out of doors.  He did very well (except I think my front break is a goner-too mushy-something is up so off Dash goes to Jeff for a checkup).  Other than that he did splendidly.

The 8 of us on 7 bikes started in Ojai and then off to the 33 (not too windy so it was actually pleasurable this time around) then of course the 166 (straight and arduous) to the 101 then the 1 then Morro Bay came in sight.  We lunched and rode through Morro Bay (right past where I used to live and through the golf course/park) to Los Osos then Biddle Road (where we lost some of our riders) then the 227 through Arroyo Grande (such a cute town) back to the 101 and picked up the 154 (where we lost yet more riders) and the 192 home.

Here is a map of the ride:

CCR_Morro Bay_1a map


Some pictures from the ride



On the 1 heading toward lunch

On the 1 heading toward lunch

The infamous Morro Bay rock looms

The infamous Morro Bay rock looms

There it is...

There it is…

Andy and Mel, riding two up, did me a huge favor by riding the 33 more conservatively.  Those other guys blew through those curves.  Now, I am not begrudging anyone of their twisites or curves but oh my–I don’t even drive that fast in a car…I did my ride, which was close to Andy and Mel’s ride, and just enjoyed the moment.

On our way to Los Osos

On our way to Los Osos

A short but pleasurable ride through the Golf Course

A short but pleasurable ride through the Golf Course

Through Los Osos we lost Andy and Mel passing other cars.  Stopped on Tank Farm Road,  eventually contacted them, gave them the wrong cross streets, and ultimately just went on our way as they were splitting off at Lake Lopez which was not far from where we lost sight of them.  You have to really be determined to stay with these guys– ha ha.

The ocean heading south on the 154 toward Santa Barbara

The ocean heading south on the 154 toward Santa Barbara