Reunion tour to mere visit tour – Day 2

US 6 E> NV 375 S> 93 N> NV319 E> UT 56E 291 miles

The amazing part of this day is that I rode 195 miles on one tank of gas and had 12 miles left before empty. But lets start from the top….Before I left Tonopah I remembered that I forgot to take a picture of the property next to my motel for the evening

Maybe that’s why my nights sleep was awful?

I am not joking. It was a horrible nights sleep. Not because of the cemetery, mind you, but because the hotel room was horrible. I’m pretty certain there was mold and other unmentionables. Next time I would stay at the travel lodge down the road. BUT, I did get the best souvenirs 😉 Ever.

Now back to proper timeline chronology…I left earlier than I had intended as I knew the ride would be short and I wanted out of that joint. While daydreaming I came up with numerous hysterical blog posts. But, due to nearly running my tank dry, and the fear of pushing my motorcycle like in the Wild Hogs movie I can only recall 2 pithy quips. The first was the sheer boredom of the ride until a stream of cows came wandering across the road directly in front of me and then stood to stare at me as if I had somehow annoyed them. The second recollection is that even though the scenery was monotonous (see below)

It was a million times more beautiful than the Kansas landscape. Chew on that!

All of that- and so many more observations – fell out of my head as I saw the “next gas” signs in three digits. At mile number 160 things got dicey. At mile 185 I thought I may be pushing Bernadette into Caliente (which is one of the places I went on my very first motorcycle ride ten years ago). At mile 195 I made it with 12 miles to spare and literally couldn’t recall my zip code when finally gassing up. It took me 3 tries!

The rest of the ride into Utah and my visit with Rick and Laura was easy sailing. Seeing them and their new digs is always a treat. I just wish they could go with me as I travel east to all the kitschy stops I have planned. Next year!

One comment on “Reunion tour to mere visit tour – Day 2

  1. What, no more clown pictures? Weird hotel and the graveyard next door was even stranger? Great to have you visit! Next year for sure to see Walt and Nancy!

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