Day 4 Utah to Wyoming to Utah to Idaho to Thayne, Wyoming.

270 miles of back and forth due to map mishaps LOL and well just the route.


First let’s outline some of the things I missed yesterday

1) I did the ton on the 15. Yes, 101 miles per hour. We had to do something to pass the time

2) the 50 in Utah is just as boring as the 50 in Nevada.

3) while visiting Butch Cassidy homestead there was a gravel road. I was forewarned by Rick but for some reason I thought gravel was dirt. What an ordeal I had to ride that deep large gravel around in a horseshoe. Quite the wobbly ride for sure. As Laura exited the car she asked with all sincerity “why did you do that?” I answered with a sneer because I was too busy swearing and finally breathing

Okay, on to today. Fantastic weather. You cannot ask for anything more. The ride wasn’t as twisty as we hoped (due to map mishaps) but it was picturesque

We started a tad later than I am used to. How long does it take to get ready with 2 kids in tow? A long time!


Silver River Pass, Wyoming

Unknown location but I love a good tunnel

Afton, Wyoming. An entrance made of antler horns. No joke. It was pretty spectacular

Long shot. That’s how amazing it was

Adult time at the cabin!!!

Tomorrow Yellowstone.

Day 3 Cedar City UT to Springville UT

256 miles. 14>148N>143>89N>bunch of tiny roads that started with a 2__> 50>15

Started leisurely from Cedar City with some excellent weather

Riding some nice S curves came upon a sign for Butch Cassidy’s childhood home so of course we had to stop

It was super tiny

And a barn that was almost as large as the house. Here is Jordan and Makayla who is Ricks back seat companion; a biker gal in training

Riding through somewhere (I can’t recall) Rick pointed out a house half buried underground. Apparently that’s how they did it with barns in the old days. Now a house, as he told it, is rare. Of course I had to double back to get this picture

Another amazing sight was the sheep herd that descended upon the road we were on. This picture does not do it justice. There were a LOT of sheep. Literally surrounding us as we maneuvered through. It was a bit disconcerting. They just wandered back and forth or stood looking at us. Sweet little cattle dogs were gathering up the strays. I am going to have to get a better picture of this from Makayla 😂. She is also Ricks personal photographer

A nice ride with nice sweepers and a sweet picture of Rick and Makayla on the road. Tomorrow off to Wyoming

Day 2. CA to UTAH

400 miles in a car (that was fun)

2.5 miles on the bikes (that was harrowing)

We began the day early and had to load up the trailer with our two bikes

Here I am rolling it out from beside Ricks house. Rick is never around when you need him. Ha ha just kidding he was behind this monstrosity

Riding the bikes to the trailer on the street was the easy part. What an ordeal. How do people do this alone?

lots of pushing and pulling…

And pondering…

And slacking off…

only to do it all over again for Ricks bike. That thing weighs a ton

Why so serious Rick?

This is Jordan. He likes to photo bomb while all of us slave away…

The group photo before we left

On the road finally. After many hours (and a few battles) we unloaded the trailer and tucked it away at Ricks friends house.

The last few miles to the hotel were frightening. Rick almost got hit at an intersection. Three separate cars cut me off and for whatever reason Utah has put in dips randomly on every street and every street corner. These things are huge.

Alas all of that means nothing because tomorrow we ride!