What a day. 434 miles

10 hours along the coast. The day was windy and cold. The gusts were very severe at a few points but Bernadette handled each of them like a champ. I think I may seriously consider that touring windscreen made for Ducati (so it doesn’t ruin the sexy lines of Bernadette)
Oh and Rick I red lined in 3rd gear passing two cars on Highway 1. That woke me up pretty quick! What a shimmy. But now you can stop harassing me about red lining. Ha ha
This is Bernadette just outside of Gorda, CA


here is the traffic I had to contend with once outside of Pacifica CA. This was in San Francisco…

And here are some pics as I crossed over the Golden Gate. The last time I rode from north to south and it had so much fog I could barely see. This time was much different. Going through the streets of SF is not fun for me but the city is beautiful



300 miles of U-Turns

The day started out a tad later than we had wanted but it was too cold to leave earlier.  An uneventful ride from the 150 to the 33.  However as the 33 began to twist and turn spectacular yellow flowers dotted the roadway.  Unfortunately, Rick is too much of a speedster to pull over so I could get a picture and not wanting to break formation I followed patiently–believing they would reappear.

Alas it was not to be so here is the best that I could piece together given Rick’s propensity to not find interesting those things that I do find interesting.

Imagine the flowers below waist high…

Scotch Brooms

Scotch Brooms


and flanking both sides of this road…

300 U turns_road to flowers

and that is the image that I did not capture.  Of course as we lunched Rick decided to tell me everything he knows about all of the foliage on our trip thus far.  He explained how the Scotch Brights (technical name the yellow ones) are invasive and are taking over the Lupin (commonly known as the purplies) and this aggravates him as the indigenous species is being supplanted by the yellows.   I found the yellows to be a stunning contrast to the greens and browns so I do not share his passionate distaste for the yellow flowers.

Dash posing for his outing

Dash posing for his outing


Once we turned on Lockwood Canyon Road Dash forced the first of many (too many) U-Turns to get this shot.

Thoughts are things.

Thoughts are things.


Many years ago Annette and I took a motorcycle ride up to the Pine Mountain Buddhist Temple.  However, cold and hunger overtook all of our good intentions and we ended up eating waffles in Ojai and buying her a motorcycle jacket on Ebay.

300 U turns_Jacket

After going to Frazier Park for lunch we went in search of route 166.  This was to be the next installment of numerous U-Turns mainly due to Rick (ha ha).  On our first hunt for the 166 we ended up at Mt. Pinos which is at an altitude of 8,303 feet (we had no idea).  But it was so pretty up there.  Hikers were darting in and out of every imaginable crevice and astronomers had telescopes with camera’s attached to rival the Griffith Observatory.

300 U turns_Mt Pinos_1

Mt. Pinos

Since this clearly was not the 166 we retreated in search of.  Coming to the crossroads of 33 and 166 Rick asked which way I thought 166 was–to which I replied left.  He promptly went right.  Once he stopped at a gas station (which he pretended was necessary and his plan all along) we once again U-Turned and found the 166.  A long, boring, windy road only to rival the long, boring windy roads of US 50.  One bit of excitement was being stuck behind a semi-truck.  I felt like I was inside a salt and pepper shaker I never thought it would end.  I passed at the first opportunity and welcomed the long, boring, windy road into Santa Maria.

Off to Foxen Canyon Road.  Unfortunately, I kept getting us lost (insert even more U-Turns).  This is where I took us…and that is NOT Foxen road



Back on the 154 and thankfully no more U-Turns and we were a hop-skip-and-jump from home.  Here is a straggler picture.  See you all in a few days as I ride to Napa to meet my Canadian friends….





Streetmasters photos and more photos

What a fun day. But my eyes are extremely tired from the heat and wind.

Here are a few photos I took of the day

Rick and I taking a break between the 50 one mile laps. It was a lot of laps…



Above is Laura and Rick at the beginning of our day. The bikes are all lined up to go to Willow Springs

Here are a few more from Rick’s camera.

This one is me photo bombing Rick and Laura’s couple pic.  How dare they take a picture without me!

Don't forget me!

Don’t forget me!



Bernadette waiting patiently for her turn on the track

Off to Streetmasters

But this time it is with Bernadette.  Time to get more proficient on the Ducati if I am going to have any sort of fun on our Colorado trip.

The plan is to ride her to Streetmasters, then at the end of the month go north to meet up with Fun Jimmy and his wife Laura (who are coming down from Canada) for a ride around Napa.  That should be a nice way to break her in.  Then off to Colorado with Rick and Laura (I’m just going to call everyone Laura, it makes things easier as I age) in late August.

Bernadette is all packed and ready to go.  What an ordeal.  Hopefully, this her maiden voyage, will go well for the upcoming Napa CA trip.


Made it to Lancaster and Bernadette did famously. After meeting Rick and Laura off of the 14 we back tracked to Soledad Canyon road and the twisties were perfect. Not too challenging or to simplistic. The best part was almost no wind. Let’s hope that keeps up.

Tomorrow we hit the track. Oh, and having Bernadette’s seat shaved by one inch was the best $40 I ever spent.